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Love to read

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Book #12 : The Wicked Will Rise by Danielle Paige

Dates read:  April 22nd - April 30th

Summary: Following the events in "Dorothy Must Die" Amy Gumm must get the three objects the Wizard has asked of her : the Lion's courage, the Tinman's heart and the Scarecrows brain. Only with these items will Amy be able to kill Dorothy. Conflict after conflict keeps getting into Amy's way and with the old magic returning to Oz Amy isn't so sure if she knows who she is anymore.

Genre: Sequel, Young Adult, Fantasy, FairyTale, Dark Matter

# of Pages: 293

Did you like the book? Why? I didn't like it. Even though I read it in a short amount of time I really did not like this book. The only reason why was because of the writing, it was very repetitive and it made the characters from the first book seem more prissy/annoying. I was very disappointed in this book.

Was this book made into a movie? No.

Would you recommend it? I would only recommend it if you've followed along with the series and wanted to read to find out what happens (rather than look online.)

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