Love to read

Love to read

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Book #5 : I Was Here by Gayle Forman

Dates read: February 14th - February 17th

Summary: After finding out her best friend Meg, has taken her life Cody goes on a mission to find out why her energetic and caring friend would do this to herself. Discovering a whole new side of her Cody begins to wonder if she even knew her friend at all.

Genre: Young Adult, Loss, Family, Love, Death, Suicide, Support

# of Pages: 270

Did you like the book? Why? I did like this book, I find Young Adult books still sort of relate to me (even though they are intended for teenagers). The themes of this book can relate to pretty much everyone, it deals with mental health awareness and dealing with the loss of someone who took their own life. It talks about the after math, the people left behind, and what Cody goes through and her thoughts and feelings throughout the novel can really hit you. Great book!

Was this book made into a movie? No, not yet. The author also wrote the book "If I Stay" - which was turned into a movie.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to anyone who likes reading young adult novels, who sometimes needs that reassurance that their are other people out there like them with the same thoughts and feelings about life and to whomever likes reading about rediscovering yourself after a traumatic event.

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