Love to read

Love to read

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Book #4 : Undiscovered Gyrl by Allison Burnett

Dates read: February 2nd - February 7th

Summary: After deciding to take a year off before going to college Katie Kampenfelt starts writing a blog to document her life and telling the world all of her darkest secrets via her blog. Using fake names, even her own, to hide everyones identity Katie doesn't hold back. From sleeping with older men, to working for a man with a criminal record and trying to find out who she really is Katie's life tells an interesting tale.

Genre: Teen, Blog Style, Drama, Romance, Loss, Finding Yourself, Growing Up

# of Pages: 293

Did you like the book? Why? I did actually. I say it like this because it started off like your regular Teen novel - being confused, trying to find yourself - but it turned out to be much more than that. It dealt with real emotional and mental issues that I believe do not get enough attention.

Was this book made into a movie? Yes, renamed "Ask Me Anything". Released in 2015 and starring Brittany Robertson, Justin Long, Christian Slater and Martin Sheen.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to anyone who likes reading young adult novels as well as topics that can be related to personally.

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