Love to read

Love to read

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Book #5 : I Was Here by Gayle Forman

Dates read: February 14th - February 17th

Summary: After finding out her best friend Meg, has taken her life Cody goes on a mission to find out why her energetic and caring friend would do this to herself. Discovering a whole new side of her Cody begins to wonder if she even knew her friend at all.

Genre: Young Adult, Loss, Family, Love, Death, Suicide, Support

# of Pages: 270

Did you like the book? Why? I did like this book, I find Young Adult books still sort of relate to me (even though they are intended for teenagers). The themes of this book can relate to pretty much everyone, it deals with mental health awareness and dealing with the loss of someone who took their own life. It talks about the after math, the people left behind, and what Cody goes through and her thoughts and feelings throughout the novel can really hit you. Great book!

Was this book made into a movie? No, not yet. The author also wrote the book "If I Stay" - which was turned into a movie.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to anyone who likes reading young adult novels, who sometimes needs that reassurance that their are other people out there like them with the same thoughts and feelings about life and to whomever likes reading about rediscovering yourself after a traumatic event.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Book Recommendations

Hello all :)

I'd like your input now.

What is your favourite novel?


What books would you recommend that I read next?

Leave a comment :)

Book #4 : Undiscovered Gyrl by Allison Burnett

Dates read: February 2nd - February 7th

Summary: After deciding to take a year off before going to college Katie Kampenfelt starts writing a blog to document her life and telling the world all of her darkest secrets via her blog. Using fake names, even her own, to hide everyones identity Katie doesn't hold back. From sleeping with older men, to working for a man with a criminal record and trying to find out who she really is Katie's life tells an interesting tale.

Genre: Teen, Blog Style, Drama, Romance, Loss, Finding Yourself, Growing Up

# of Pages: 293

Did you like the book? Why? I did actually. I say it like this because it started off like your regular Teen novel - being confused, trying to find yourself - but it turned out to be much more than that. It dealt with real emotional and mental issues that I believe do not get enough attention.

Was this book made into a movie? Yes, renamed "Ask Me Anything". Released in 2015 and starring Brittany Robertson, Justin Long, Christian Slater and Martin Sheen.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to anyone who likes reading young adult novels as well as topics that can be related to personally.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Book #3 : Insurgent by Veronica Roth

Dates read: January 29th - February 1st

Summary: Sequel to "Divergent" by the same author, "Insurgent" continues after the events in "Divergent". Tris and Four now must put their full trust into each other if they want to make it through the events that are about to come. Dealing with loss and fear Tris tries to go on with life how it use to be before the tragic events in "Divergent" took place. There is a war going on, out in the real world and within herself as well.

Genre: Young Adult, Family, Love, Struggle, War

# of Pages: 525

Did you like the book? Why? This is my second favourite trilogy series (Hunger Games being the first). The ideas and concepts that take place within this series are something that I have never read before and found it really interesting that everyone is split up into fractions instead of living life how we do. It is an interesting read, and also covers the topic of teenage romance, which for any girl (or guy) if something they can relate to.

Was this book made into a movie? The first book in the series "Divergent" came out last March (2014) and this one is scheduled to come out this March (2015). Starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Ansel Elgort and Kate Winslet in their reprising roles along with Naomi Watts and Octavia Spencer being added to the cast, plus many more.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend reading "Divergent" first and then continuing with the series. These are very easy books to read but still have enough plot twists and detail to make it a great read.