Love to read

Love to read

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Book #17 : To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Dates read:  July 27th - August 4th

Summary: Taking place after the Great Depression we see life through the eyes of Scout, a young girl still learning life lessons, over the course of three years. We meet her older brother Jem and her stern father Atticus. After Atticus takes on the job of defending a young black man in a disturbing case Scout starts to see the world as adults see it. Filled with the mystery of their hidden away neighbour, starting school and learning what is meant by "being a lady" Scout learns many lessons throughout. 

Genre: Childhood, Classic, Fiction

# of Pages: 324 pages

Did you like the book? Why? After reading this book for the first time back in high school, my own choice I may add, I have had a fascination with this novel so I decided to read it again. The second time reading it felt like it took longer to read than the first time, even though I knew what was going to happen I wasn't that interested in racing to finish it. I blame this view on it being a re-read. I do love the quotes and morals in this story however. This is what made me want to read it again.

Was this book made into a movie? Yes, back in the 1960s starring Gregory Peck as Atticus Finch.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to a younger audience 14-17. 

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