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Love to read

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Book #14 : Modern Romance by Aziz Ansari & Eric Klinenberg

Dates read:  June 17th- July 2nd

Summary: Mixed with comedy and subreddits this book tells it how it is in the modern age of romance - hence the title of the book. From online dating to being in committed and open relationships Aziz and Eric find out what is driving the younger generation to wait until their late 20's for marriage and children compared to even twenty minutes ago.

Genre: Comedy, Romance, Facts, Graphs, Poles, Reddit

# of Pages: 277

Did you like the book? Why? I enjoyed reading this. After every chapter I reflected back and thought to myself "Yeah I can see where their going with this."  It was nice to know that there are people all over the world going through the struggles of meeting someone.

Was this book made into a movie? No.

Would you recommend it? I would recommend it to the modern aged reader who wants to know more about how dating and all the topics that revolve around it has changed because of cell phones and computers. 

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